The moses basket has sat in our bedroom waiting for someone to sleep in it for nearly three weeks now. The hospital bags are all packed and one of them's even ready in the boot of the car. The baby car seat is all fastened in on the back seat too and the double buggy is assembled ready.
My wonderful knitting group have even had time to knit some extra booties.
Both sets of booties from Holly and her magical knitting machine.
But, we're still here waiting for member number four of the C family to join us.
My impatience is really showing – not helped by the fact that we've already had two false starts and trips to the maternity unit at the local hospital. At the first they tried keeping me in on the ward as they thought I might not make it back to the delivery unit in time. Thank goodness I opted to go home to my own bed or else I might still be stuck on a ward waiting. At least the second time the midwife did say that it could be days yet. Truthful, but hard to hear when less than 12 hours later you've had a midwife trying to get you to stay in hospital as the dash up the A1 might not be fast enough.
I'm four days past my due date which is when Little Miss C decided to arrive. Technically there could be another week though before they induce me – I'm pretty sure waiting that long won't be easy at all. Fingers crossed that I don't have to.
Virgos are very stubborn… hope you don’t have to wait too much longer x
Funny – youre the third person whos spoken about the star sign of this new baby. I didnt know until last week what star sign LMC was! Obviously it has more of an effect at this time of year for some reason.