It's quite shocking that it was way back in September when I started this scarf and when I first wrote about it here. There was an update in December, but in the end it took until February to finally finish my first chart based piece of knitting.
Whilst I really enjoyed the challenge of this complex piece I have to admit to being relieved that it's over. Trying to keep track of where I was all the time (there's a 60 row pattern in which doesn't have any repeats within those 60 rows!) meant that I ended up using a lot of stitch markers and had to refer to the chart every couple of rows, even when I'd been working on it for nearly six months.
I'm pleased with how it looks now it's finished. It does still need the ends weaving in and to be blocked, but for now I'm just having a little rest from it. There is also an almight mistake in the middle of it where I somehow managed to repeat a block of ten rows within the 60 row pattern, but seeing as that happens roughly in the middle of the scarf I decided to make a bit of a "feature" of it. There was certainly no way that I was going to try taking it back once I did discover it!
The yarn is Rowan Pure Wool 4 Ply and if I could find the ball band I'd even tell you what colour it is! The chart I am following is one for a Lace Scarf by Sarah Hatton that came with the Rowan International members gift a couple of years ago.
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