It may be seen as being controversial by some but we do allow Little Miss C to watch television. We try to manage what she watches quite carefully and it's certainly not on all the time, but we do find that sometimes she needs something to calm her down and 20 minutes of watching something she likes seems to do that.
She can be running round like a loon and getting all frustrated because it's chucking it down with rain outside and I won't let her out into the garden, but just switching on Mr Tumble or similar can calm her down and when it's finished she's quite happy to move on to another activity. I think we're actually quite lucky here in the UK as if you have digital terrestrial TV there is CBeebies which provides some form of entertainment for pre-schoolers from dawn till dusk. Yes there is repetition in the day, but that's not generally a problem. We're also lucky enough to have an internet TV and I use the iPlayer app on that more than anything else to access CBeebies programmes. It means I can just play one episode of something and when it's finished it doesn't automatically run on into another programme.
After chatting to my mum the other day about children's television I started thinking about all the things that I used to watch as a child. My favourites included Postman Pat, Gran, Bertha, Trumpton, Pigeon Street and Paddington. Would today's children appreciate the same stuff? I've no idea. I've been keeping a close eye on eBay to try and pick up some of these on DVD where I can – partly for LMC's entertainment, but also partly for me and Mr C. Would there be a market for a TV channel that just shows things from our childhood? It'd certainly provide entertainment for parents in a nostalgic way whilst they watch with their children and I'm sure students would love something like that too!
What were your TV favourites from childhood? Any that you'd particularly like to see brought back?
I loved The Clangers, Willo the Wisp, Mr Benn, Rhubarb & Custard and Dangermouse! I have found some of them and shown them to my small people, some they like. The graphics do look ‘old’ now, but I love that, it’s like listening to vinyl! Nostalgia 🙂
Hi, did you know Alan Rogers that wrote Pigeon Street lives in St Albans? Ashley my son collaborated with him on an animation for the BBC teaching children phonics and they produced books to accompany the series. Al would be pleased to know you liked Pigeon Street
Have worked out you’re a fair bit younger than me from most of those choices, except Trumpton threw me as thought that wasn’t really repeated much!
One of the best Christmas presents I ever got was this book: which really took me back!
Willo the Wisp! I’d forgotten all about that!
I didn’t! What a small world. If anything PIgeon Street was probably my most favourite. I found myself singing “Long distance Clara” just the other day!
What a fantastic looking book. I definitely remember Trumpton – or at least I think I do. Was Camberwick Green repeated in the 1980s then? I’m puzzled now and for once Wikipedia isn’t helping!
Hi there. I know this is an old post, but I hope you won’t mind that I’ve added a link to it today..I run a weekly nostalgia Link-Up on my blog and this week is all about childhood TV memories, so I thought I’d include yours! You can find it here…
Oh, Pigeon Street!! Completely forgot about that when doing my list! 🙂 Used to love that.
Its funny how you dont think about things for years and then suddenly you do and it all come flooding back. I can even remember some of the songs from things I watched as a child, many many years ago!