My television watching is often a few days behind when things are actually broadcast, so it was only yesterday when I caught up with Channel 4's drama Mo, which told of the life of the late Mo Mowlem. The film covers not only her time in Northern Ireland, but also her own personal battle against the illness that finally took her life.
The acting was fantastic, with Julie Walter's portrayal of Mo as incredibly accurate. The way in which the story was told was beautiful in the way that it combined tender moments of Mo's life as well as the challenges that she went through in Northern Ireland dealing with both politicians and terrorists. To see a dramatisation os something that I lived through so recently was a tad strange, but there is no doubt to me that this film puts a very human face on politics. I hope that when school children cover Northern Ireland as part of their history syllabus, as I'm sure they will do one day, this film is shown to them.
One thing it did make me realise is just how the "characters" in politics today just don't measure up to what Mo Mowlem was like. RIP Mo, you're definitely missed.
If you missed the programme it is still available on 4OD, or a dvd version is available to buy online.
She was a local MP who visited the school I was teaching at!
Was that you on local radio, putting your point very eloquently, or was I mistaken?
It was indeed me! Amazed someone I knew heard me. I went to vert some frustration – wasnt expecting to end up on live radio!
You were very good, job well done!
Thank you! blush
Loved your radio interview! Your were amazing!!!
I have tagged you for a favourite song meme… please have a look at my blog for details. Thought you would enjoy taking part but if its not for you then please don’t worry and just give it a miss. Love Jane xxxxxx
I knew that this doc was coming on, but still managed to miss it, will watch it tonight on 4OD for sure. My mum worked on the fringes of politics at home (NI) and really valued Mo’s inputs and insights. She made vast inroads in facilitating a lot of the change at home, and I believe a lot of that was her approach to the PEOPLE not just the POLITICS.