If you enjoyed Victorian Farm like I did then make sure you catch Tales From The Green Valley as well. I have to admit that I'd not heard of this series before and it was pure fluke that I turned on the TV tonight and caught the last ten minutes of what was unfortunately the penultimate in the series.
Very much in the same vein as Victorian Farm, Tales from The Green Valley the team worked on a farm for a year as they would have had to have done in the times of James I (i.e. the 17th Century for those of you whose history isn't up to scratch!) This isn't a time that I know much about, but the small segment I saw in which the women were tackling the washing. Watching them beat the washing in a stream with sticks like cricket bats to get the dirt out and then using an upright pole to wring out the garments before laying them out to dry on the grass was fascinating.
The DVD may well have to go on my Christmas wish list!
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