Day 5 of Vlogmas saw me reunited with a cuppa and chatting about a crafty crochet project, catching up with an old friend and also Master C's role in last year's pre-school nativity play! ... read more
Vlogmas 2016 – Day 4 #vlogmas16
It's fair to say that there are some days when the vibe is just not there. Day 4 of vlogmas was one of those days... ... read more
Vlogmas 2016 – Day 3 #vlogmas16
Day three of vlogmas saw us at the school Christmas fair - and me on the vino instead of tea at the time of recording! ... read more
Vlogmas 2016 – Day 2 #vlogmas16
Vlogmas day 2 and I still seem to have something to tell you about. That may not last the whole month though... And if you're interested in what I say about Reclaimed Radio then you can listen every Friday night from 7 - 9pm UK time and you'll find me doing there social media either on Twitter or Facebook whilst the show's on air. The Reclaimed Radio hoodie comes from the wonderful people at Balcony Shirts. ... read more
Vlogmas 2016 – Day 1 #vlogmas16
Every day from 1 December through to Christmas Eve I will be vlogging about what I am getting up to in the run up to Christmas as part of Vlogmas 2016. Well, that's the plan anyway... So, before life gets in the way and I fail to complete the mission, here is Day 1 of Vlogmas. ... read more
Ollie’s Christmas Reindeer – Nicola Killen
I've been sat waiting to review Ollie's Christmas Reindeer since the publisher sent it out, but just couldn't bring myself to do so too early in the year. I've now seen the first house with a Christmas tree in the front window so I guess that means it's time to properly embrace Christmas! Ollie (who slightly confusingly, to me and Master C at least) is a little girl, that is woken from her sleep on Christmas Eve by a jingling noise. She follows the sound out into the snowy forest and is delighted to come across a lost reindeer. She climbs onto his back and together they set off on an ... read more
Christmas at Aldi from 17th November
I love an Aldi bargain! I am utterly useless however at realising what is coming into store when though so often it's only when my sister gets in touch and tells me that I need to get there the next morning that I realise when certain lines are coming in. That's not the case with their Christmas range though. This is due in store tomorrow (Thursday 17 November) and I was delighted to be sent some samples from the range to try out at home. Now - the honest bit about being a blogger. I'm sat here today on what has to be the sunniest day of November so far in St Albans. Trying to test out ... read more
My The Works Crafty Christmas Wishlist
If you've been anywhere near a shop since Halloween you'll now that Christmas is now in full swing. It almost felt like a protest action when I came out of the supermarket yesterday with a packet of hot cross buns instead of a box of crackers and a Christmas pudding! I'm trying so hard this year to be organised for Christmas. I know that I say that every year, but I've been annoyed with myself these last few years for not actually managing it, so I'm determined that this year will be different. Especially as I'm hosting the family here this year. So, the first step of organisation has to ... read more
Why I will be sending Christmas Cards this year
If you're on Facebook or email I'm pretty sure that over the next week or so you'll start seeing messages along the lines of: Just so you know we're not doing Christmas cards this year, but we will be making a donation to charity instead. Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year! That's all fine and dandy, and everyone's entitled to do whatever they want, not only at Christmas, but for the rest of the year too. But as someone who hasn't given up on Christmas cards I thought it about time to actually shout about why I will be sending them this year, and why I'd encourage others to do the ... read more
Advent House for Master C
It seems hard to believe that it's over a year now since I made an Owl Advent Calendar for Little Miss C (and nearly a year to the day since I blogged about it too). Master C wasn't quite ready for an advent calendar last year, but even then I knew that I would need to do something for him this advent, so it was perfect timing when the team at Ocean Loans got in touch asking if I would like to be sent an Advent house from Hobbycraft and a nice gift voucher so that I could decorate it. This was of course back in early October and I was rather proud of myself for getting on to it straight away, ... read more